Saturday, June 01, 2002

Finally got around to getting myself a weblog since my mode of keeping a diary with plain old pen and paper seems to be rather outmoded...Heehee...

Overall, a pretty nice day. Solly has once again appeared! Heehee..Which is good, since now I will be able to have some nice, hentai conversations with her again and she'll be able to help me analyze my currently nonexistent love life...

Mel's dog is driving me crazy by the way...It keeps going after my cats and scratching me...I hate the bloody creature...

Okay, I've been having a bit of a writers block lately but I've been working on a RuAya...heehee...Here's what I've got so far...


The kind of effect that Rukawa Kaede had on girls was really quite fascinating, Ayako decided, as she watched one of her classmates, a pretty, short haired girl by the name of Naoko, sidle up to the freshman heartthrob and try to engage him in a conversation, without much success. The curly haired manager of the Shohoku basketball club wondered briefly why Rukawa had suddenly appeared at the doorway of her classroom, then, deciding that it was really none of her business and that her junior would call for her if he needed her, she turned back to the English assignment that she was supposed to have finished the night before, and yet, hadn't been able to because Ryota had kept her on the phone until an ungodly hour in the morning.

" Ayako-san..."

Rubbing her temple wearily, Ayako looked up to see the Shohoku Small Forward standing by her desk and looking quite peeved at all the attention that he was getting from all the girls crowded in the room. " Yeah, Rukawa-kun? Need anything?"

" That...fundraiser thing..." Rukawa's words trailed off as he scowled at a girl who had been tugging on his sleeve in a bid to gain his attention. Said girl shyly thrust a pink envelope into his hand before running off to where her friends were clustered around one of the tables giggling madly like a bunch of rabid hyenas. Rolling his eyes and with an air of having done this thousands of times before, Rukawa crumpled the envelope up and thrust it into the pocket of his pants to be disposed of later.

" You really shouldn't do that, you know?" Ayako berated him, reaching into the pockets of his uniform pants, much to the outrage of the many Rukawa Kaede fans clustered around them, and taking out the crumpled letter. She then proceeded to try and smooth it out as best as she could. " That girl must have put a lot of time and effort to writing that letter and the least you could do for her is spare her a few minutes to read it and maybe write out a little reply..."

" Did I ask her to write it?"

" No..."

" Then why should I?"

" Because Ayako-sempai is telling you to." The basketball club manager replied, brandishing her ever present fan of terror.
11:38 PM