Saturday, June 15, 2002

Take the 'Which Archangel are you?' Quiz!

Which Archangel are
you? by Xera

Heehee...Fat chance of me ever becoming an angel...I highly doubt it what with my perverted mind and my reputation as a hell raiser. Heehee... I'm passing the time reading other peoples blogs...Heehee...

Fufu, if you see this, me miss you!!! *huggle* It's just that I'm back to using the internet account that has that firewall thing...Heehee...Dammit...And me don't have any spare cash right now to buy Internet Cards cos I've found that living on your own burns a rather big hole in your pocket -____-

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2:54 AM

Okay, so I've been lazy and neglecting to write up things here...heehee...Though I doubt that anyones much interested. The fact of the matter is that there just has been absolutely nothing going on in my life lately, unless you might consider the food shortage here at home that Mel and I experienced some sort of life altering event. The things that forgetting to go food shopping can do to you -___-

Everythings quieted down since Nate's wedding... No more rehearsals to go to, no more Natey knocking on your door at the middle of the night all frantic and nervous...Heehee. Not that I was bothered my that. It was poor Con who had to suffer through many sleepless nights and hours of conversation about the married life over a hot cuppa...Heehehee...

You can call me a bad student and all, but I'm thinking of taking the next semester off school again...Heehee...Mom wants me to go with her when she goes on a business trip just to keep her company, and I find the prospect of hanging around a hotel while moms away on some sort of business way more attractive than school. I hate school. If there was some way that I could get out of that whole system I would. I don't like all the academics stuff, and I don't like having to conform. Even though things are way more relaxed in College than in bloody old St. Claires... Heehee...

Ohhh...yeah...And I finally managed to finish one of my fics which I'm really glad about since I had been wanting to do that for a long time... I am getting such a lot of ideas for other fics, I've got this plot for a Yuki x Hiro worked out and this RuKo thing...Plus that RuAya which I've been writing lately when I haven't particularly felt like continuing my Gravi ficcy...Oh...That was anothing thing that I did. I put up my Gravi fic at my site...

And I've been reading a lot of original yaoi fics lately, which sort of made me want to try writing something that's not fanfiction...I've already got a plot thingy...Heehee..Though that could work pretty well for a RuKo ficcy...Goddamit...Heehee..Basically the whole concept is this whole human sacrifice to the god's thing...I have a sick mind...Heehee... Like...Hmm...If it was a RuKo thingy, Ko would have been chosen by the gods, who wouldn't want Koko?, to be sacrificed to them at some festival that I'm just gonna have to think up... Ruru wouldn't want that, of course, cos he's Ko's lover and they would like...hmm...commit lover's suicide because they know that that would be the only way that Ko could escape that fate. But after they do this, the gods get angry, of course, and they condemn Kogure to be reborn over and over again, each time dying a terrible death. And each of those times, Rukawa's reborn self would only get to meet Ko's reborn self at the moment just before Ko's death which is just a morbid twist that I like...Heeheheee... That goes on and on again until Rukawa ends the cycle, by killing Ko himself, thereby sparing him...Heeheehee..And it ends with the two of them finally meeting up at Shohoku and then THE END...Heeheheee...I like the plot...It's a little complicated and I'll have to research about time periods and stuff...And I'm thinking of ways to kill off Ko...heehee..What a horrible thing to do! ^__^ Like one, those witch hunts thingy...Could have Koko burning at the stake...Heeheehee...Two...Hmmm...I dunno...Maybe have his head chopped off at the French revolution or something...Heehee..As I said, I would have a tonne of research to do if I ever do start on that fic since I have to figure out the time lines and stuff, but at least I've already got the whole ending and the basic plot thing...Heehee..I just don't know whether that will be a RuKo or and Original ficcy yet....

I have a really weird, hyperactive imagination... Heehee..Good thing that I've found out that writing can help me get those weird ideas out...heehee...Otherwise, who knows...Maybe I would go crazy...heehhee..

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12:06 AM

Monday, June 10, 2002

It’s the Queen’s birthday today so we get a day off and I thought that I should update my blog since I wasn’t able to do that all this weekend because there were just so many things going on around here what with Nate’s wedding and all…

Well, it went off nicely, much to my surprise…Heehee… My brother didn’t show up late, or throw up at the altar because of his nerves or not show up at the church at all. He actually managed to act normal! It was a beautiful wedding really. Some of our family flew in from Antrim even though Nate was stupid enough to set the wedding date at such a busy time just because his wife wanted a June wedding. I thought they should have waited until spring…

I am really glad that I have moved out of the house because that place seems to have been temporarily converted into some sort of hotel for our family members that had to fly in…Heehee. Poor Ma. All that extra work when she had just managed to get rid of the last one of us…Heehee.

Ma was getting all mushy on Saturday at the wedding reception talking about how her two baby boys had both grown up so much and how it was my turn next. Heehee. She kept on hugging me and getting all teary whenever she saw Nate with his wife…Dad was a bit better though he kept on bugging me about it being my turn next too…Heehee. I think he’s just nervous about that because he’s the one that’s going to have to pay for my wedding and he knows that I expect a really nice one…Heehee. Hell, I’ve been planning for it ever since I was little!

Anyways, at the reception I saw Matt…we danced a couple of times and we talked, and I spent the whole time thinking about how great he looked in a suit…Heehee. Old habits die hard…Reflex thought, yah know? Heehee…

All of our friends were there bringing Natey all sorts of weird gifts…Ainsley was nice enough to provide him with a huge box of condoms and I just gave him the crappy set of silverware that I bought with Mel. Dammit, I hate giving sensible gifts…Heehee.

Seriously, though, I am really going to miss my brother. We grew really close that year when we both took time off school in spite of the fact that he can be a bloody pain in the ass most of the times. I think he’s going to be moving soon somewhere so that he can take care of dad’s business…

Despite of the lovely wedding and the fact that I got to get all dressed up and made up ^__^ I still think that him getting married at 19 is still a mistake…Too young. He’s dropping out of school now and is going to be working for daddy but we’ll just see how things go. I just wish him the very best since he’s my big brother and all and I’m sure that he would do the same for me…though I wasn’t very supportive at first since I don’t exactly get on well with that shrew that she has for a wife now…

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2:36 PM