Friday, August 16, 2002

I've just finished reading 'Good Omens' by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett. Sheer boredom and the lack of anything better to do has driven me to *gasp* read something that isn't fanfiction, which is something that I hadn't done in a while.

And this book was just damn, bloody hilarious. Kudos to Nagyra for recommending the authors, dear, wise Nagyra whose recommendations I have never, and from this moment on shall ever, doubt. Heeheehee...

Anyways, the low down of this book, it's about an angel, Aziraphale a.k.a 'The Southern Pansy' and a demon, Crowley, who try to avert the Apocalypse. I was laughing most of the way through. There was this part where an inebriated Crowley was trying to explain eternity to an equally sloshed Aziraphale which I found incredibly funny. The characters are adorable, Crowley who terrorizes his house plants into blooming, The Nice to a fault Aziraphale who gave away his fiery sword to Eve because she was expecting already and looked so cold and there were so many dangerous animals lurking around...Heeheehehee... It's rather irreverent and all, but that makes it even funnier...Yeap. It makes you think about why the hell God did put the bloody tree right smack in front of Adam and Eve if he didn't want them to eat the damn apples. After all, he could have just hidden it away and saved everyone a whole lot of trouble, right? Heeheehee...Anyways, anyone want to check Good Omens out, just mail me and I'll send it your way.
11:48 PM

Tuesday, August 13, 2002

i'm squall x zell!

i'm a guy; i like to fuck. okay, so maybe, yeah, we love each other, but geez, i won't go getting all squashy on you.

wanna beer or something?

take the which bishink pairing are you? test,

by tenshi and llamajoy.

Are you NASTY or NICE?

Quiz made by Angela
8:04 PM

I am currently in awe of Nagyra and her ability to find the most amusing of books. I just read that excerpt of that book in your bloggy, dearie and now I feel I must go out at once and search for it...God. I wonder if they have it here -____-. I hope they do. Nagy-chan has rekindled my interest in mythology. It was one of the few things that I actually paid attention to back when I was still in High School.

Anways, victory! I've succeeded in creating a new layout for the RuKo shrine. It's very plain, basically just a whole bunch of tables, but that's fine with me since that will make it easier for me to update. Up to now, I still can't figure Adobe out. Starry advised me to read the manual that comes with it but how can I find the time to do that with so many lovely YnM and Saiyuki fics to pore through? *sighs*

And I managed to get a whole load of DVDs from my brother. I don't know how he got them since they're the new titles and all but I'm not complaining. ^__^ I'm going to be settling in for a looong movie marathon later on tonight. Titles to be screened will be 'The Sum of All Fears', ' Insomnia' with the screen legend Al Pacino, all of you bow down to his greatness, and ' Signs'. Stupid Nate was stingy though and wouldn't let me borrow the new Austin Powers movie because he said that he wanted to watch it first.

Anyways, just a bit of bitching. I hate it when people complain on and on about how horrible their fics are and then just do nothing about it. Just because I was getting sick of it, I told this person to rewrite the fic then if she's so unhappy about it. That's what I'm currently doing now with one of my fics that I wasn't so happy about, but no. She just keeps on going and going and going with her complaints instead of doing something. Do I sound callous? I don't mean to. I'm just saying that if you care about something that you came up with, then instead of complaining, you would stick to it until you had improved it and felt happy with it.

Do I sound bitchy? Heehee..I don't care. This is my blog and I can say anything I want :P
7:43 PM