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Laree's Slam Dunk Fanfiction

In the Rukawa-Sakuragi apartment
3:00 A.M.
The Whipped Father To Be

" Kaede-kun...Hey, Kaede-kun!  Wake up!"

Oh good, sweet merciful God please no!  Please, not again!  Rukawa Kaede silently sent this prayer out to the powers that may be, keeping up the facade of his sleep as he rolled over onto his other side.  He carefully opened his eyes the tiniest, tiniest bit.  With the help of the moonlight he could make out his red haired lover who sat bolt upright in the bed, a slightly suspicious frown on that adorable little face of his.

Hanamichi Sakuragi reached over and flicked the little bedside lamp on.  Rukawa hurriedly squeezed his eyes shut.  He could feel Sakuragi's hot breath on his cheeks as he leaned over him to  ascertain the fact that his dark haired lover really was still fast asleep.  " Kaede-kun..."  Hanamichi slapped him lightly on the cheek.  " I know you're awake, Kaede-kun!  Come on!  Stop pretending!"

But there was no way that Rukawa would have a repeat of what had happened the night before.  And the night before that, and before that and the one before that too.  There was no way in hell that Hana-kun, no matter how much he begged and pleaded with those big, sad brown eyes of his, would get him away from his nice, comfortable and warm bed.  After all, he had been known as the Ice Prince in his High School days, hadn't he?  He could resist ' The Look'.  No matter how artfully rendered.  At least this was what he told himself, though he knew very well that this was not so.

" Kaede-kun!  Dammit!  Get up!"

He didn't even know what hit him.  One moment he was wrapped up in his comforter ( He and Hanamichi had separate comforters now.  They had gotten tired of the constant fight for blankets ) feeling blissfully warm, the next he had been pushed unceremoniously off the bed.  And he wasn't even allowed any time to recover.  Hanamichi was on him in an instant with a flurry of pillows.  " You stupid, stupid Kitsune!"  With each word, the fuming redhead brought the pillow down upon Rukawa's head.  " How dare you just sleep there while I lie awake in bed suffering?  You have no consideration whatsoever!  Do you know how bloody uncomfortable it is to be seven fucking months pregnant?"

It couldn't have been all that uncomfortable if he was still capable of attacking me like this, Rukawa thought balefully to himself.

" I, the great Tensai, should have known better than to have hooked up with you, dammit!  But you, being the sly Kitsune that you are, managed to trick the poor, innocent Tensai into this!  If I had known that you would just leave me all by myself to muddle through all the miseries of pregnancy then I would have said no!"  Hanamichi shouted, still not letting up with the pillows.  He was by now slightly breathless.  He didn't have the stamina that he used to before.  Besides, the sheer size of his belly was hindering his movements.  " You hear me?  You miserable Kitsune?  Do you know how hard it is to be carrying this child with no help whatsoever from my ungrateful, thoughtless boyfriend?  Do you?  You never think of me, do you?  While you're off having fun playing basketball and I'm at home feeling all disgusting!    Kogure's lucky with Mitsui.  Mitsui's constantly with him, always asking him what he wants. always taking care of him...But you!  You disgusting Kitsu-"

" Fine.  What is it that-ow!"  Rukawa continued doggedly, his arms raised protectively over his head.
" What is it that you would like, Hana-kun.  Tell me, and I'll get it for you.  Whatever it is!"

" Chocolate Pudding."

" But Hanamichi-kun!  You finished all the Chocolate Pudding yesterday!"  Rukawa pointed out, hoping against hope that his beloved would just settle for a piece of toast or something similar that was easy to prepare.

The red head pouted and raised the pillow threateningly once more.  " I thought you said that you'd get me anything at all that I wanted!  Now you take it all back!  You really are a liar you stupid Kitsune!  You don't love me!  You're probably fooling around with somebody behind my back!  You're-"

"  All right!  All right already!" Rukawa shouted above Hanamichi's heart rending wails.  " I'll get it for you.  I will.  Are you happy?"  Rukawa hurriedly pulled on his clothes before making his way towards the door.

" Hey Kaede-kun!"

" What?  What is it this time?"  Rukawa growled, whirling around on his feet, a dangerous look on his handsome face.  He was not in the best of moods after a week off being thrown off the bed and sent off the house in search for whatever foodstuff that Hanamichi had developed a taste for in the early hours of the morning.

Hanamichi looked up at him innocently.  " You forgot to give me a good bye kiss."

Somewhere else in Kanagawa
At Precisely the same Moment
The Mitsui-Kogure Apartment
The Overanxious Father To Be

" Hey, Sashi-kun?  My stomach sorta-"

Hisashi Mitsui's eyes immediately flew open at the mention of his boyfriend's swollen stomach.  Without waiting for another word, he jumped off the bed and whisked the blanket off a rather startled Kogure.
" Don't worry, Min-kun!  I'll get you to the hospital in time!"  He shouted, bending over and sliding the suitcase that he had packed for precisely this occasion from out under the bed.  He knew precisely what to do.  After all, he had had Kogure go through the drill with him several times before even though the guy had kept on insisting that it was really not necessary, as of yet.  He smiled smugly to himself.  Good thing that he had the sense to have everything prepared for just this moment!  Just imagine it.  Him!  Mitsui Hisashi, a daddy!

" Sashi-kun!  What are you..." Kogure's words trailed off when he noticed the strange, goofy smile on his boyfriend's face.  His pregnancy had brought about a lot of good changes in the scarred boy.  For one thing, Mitsui spent a lot more time at home with him instead of running around Kanagawa with his friends, leaving him at home to worry about what the hell the ex gangster was getting himself into.  Another thing was that he had barely had to lift a finger around the house ever since they found out, what with Mitsui dashing in to do everything for him.  But his rather muddle headed boyfriend's sudden transformation into something resembling a boot camp Commander was somewhat alarming, not to mention a little bit annoying.  He did not appreciate being dragged out of bed in the middle of the night to have practice drills for the day when the baby would eventually come.  He did not appreciate being woken up from his naps to be asked which wallpaper sample he preferred for the baby's room, the one patterned with the baby ducks, or the one with the teddy bears?

Most of all, Mitsui's overreaction to the smallest of things was incredibly irritating, like the other day when the guy had dragged him along to the hospital after he had had a particularly bad case of the hiccups.

As Kogure watched, Mitsui scooped the car keys up from the bedside table, all the while, mumbling something about being the greatest daddy in the whole wide world under his breath.  He picked up the suitcase with one hand and used the other to take hold of Kogure and to steer him towards the door of their bedroom.  " Hold on, Min-kun!  Hold on!  Just-"

" But Hisashi!  I-"

" Don't worry, Min-kun!"  Mitsui interrupted him before he could finish the sentence.  He patted his hand condescendingly, as though he was a child that was being a little irritating.  "  I'll get you to the hospital in time!  I know just what to do!  After all, we have already rehearsed this lots of times before!"

Kogure decided to try one last time.  " But Sashi-kun, I don't really think-"

With a small, indulgent smile, Mitsui placed a hand over Kogure's mouth muffling out his words.  " Don't talk anymore, Min-kun!  Save your energy for later!"

With a small sigh, the bespectacled young man allowed himself to be helped into the car and be fussed around by Mitsui.  He supposed that it was no use for him to point out that his stomach was only hurting because of the curry that they had eaten earlier and that there was still some four months left before the baby's due date.  He guessed that it wouldn't be too bad in the hospital waiting room.  After several false alarms, he had become quite good friends with some of the nurses there.

Somewhere in Ryonan
The Koshino-Sendo Apartment
The Frustrated Oversexed Father To Be

" Hiro-kun...My Hiro-kun..."  Sendo Akira snuggled up closer to his boyfriend and proceeded to tickle him lightly on the cheek in a bid to awaken him.  When this didn't work, he decided to resort to more desperate measures.  He got up awkwardly to his feet on the wobbly water bed that they shared and straddled Koshino carefully, leaning forward so that he was breathing directly on his sleeping face.
" Hiro-kun..."

Feeling his boyfriend's warm weight on him, Koshino opened his eyes slowly and came face to face with a leering Sendo.  " Akira!  What the hell do you think you're doing!?"  He shouted, bringing the sheets up to cover his chest.  He bucked up in the bed, sending Sendo flying to the floor.  There was a loud thump and some cursing as the spiky haired boy picked himself up, his hair remaining miraculously untouched.

He crawled over to the side of the bed and winked suggestively at Koshino.  " Guess who's in the mood for some loving!"

" I can guess."  Koshino replied dryly, " But no.  You're not going to get any."

Still Sendo refused to give up.  He jumped into the bed, slipping under the sheets and right on top of Koshino.  " Come on, Hiro-kun!"  He urged, placing a few quick kisses on his Hiro's face, his hands wandering under the blankets. Sendo gave out a loud yelp of pain when he felt a strong grip around his wrist, preventing his hands from getting any further into Koshino's shorts.

" For the last time, no!"

Sendo pouted, rubbing his injured wrist tenderly.  "  Why not?"

" Because we're not supposed to be having sex, what with me pregnant and all!"  Koshino explained.

Sendo's eyes nearly popped out of his head.  " What?  Nobody ever told me about that! "

" It's common sense, you idiot.  How are we supposed to be making love with my stomach this big, hey?  Have you thought about that?"

The spiky haired boy shrugged, reaching out to caress his boyfriend's now round stomach.  " It doesn't really look that big!  Maybe we still can!"

" No."

" All right then.  Then how much longer will you still be pregnant?"  Sendo demanded, an uncharacteristic frown on his handsome face.  He expected an answer of maybe a week or two ( no, Sendo obviously didn't know much about pregnancy or anything ) and his jaw nearly dropped when he heard his boyfriend's answer.

" Three months."

" Three months!"  Sendo repeated miserably.

" And two months after I give birth..."  Koshino continued, taking sadistic glee in Sendo's crestfallen expression.  " Which makes it around five more months."

" Five more months?"  Sendo wailed, allowing Koshino to push him back down onto the bed.  " How am I supposed to survive for five whole months without sex?"

" With a whole lot of hand lotion, Akira-kun."  Koshino smirked, rolling over onto his side, " With a whole lot of hand lotion."