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Laree's Slam Dunk Fanfiction
Part Three

" Who died and declared you seme, Rukawa?"  Mitsui muttered irritably under his breath as he tried in vain to wriggle out from underneath Rukawa's arm, which the younger boy had draped around his shoulder as Mitsui proceeded to push the shopping trolley along the aisles of the grocery store, trying to appear as though having the guy all over him was a normal, every day occurrence for him.

" Shut up and just be still."  Rukawa declared shortly, not feeling the need to grace this ridiculously stupid question with an answer.  Him a uke?  He snorted.

" No.  I demand to know your reason about why you should be the seme in this pretend relationship?" Mitsui persisted, not willing to let the topic go.  " I'm sick and tired of just being pushed around by you all the time!"

" Get used to it.  I run the show.  Remember?"

" But how come you get to be the seme?"

Knowing that he would get no peace until he had at least given the guy some sort of answer, no matter how ridiculous, Rukawa replied.  " Because I'm taller than you.  That's why."

" And what the hell does that have to do with anything?" Mitsui fumed, glaring up at Rukawa.  " You know what, I'm not going to take this crap from you anymore.  I've had enough of you.  Get your stupid arm off me.  From now on, I'm the seme around here!"

" Stop being so stupid, Mitsui.  As if it even matters..."

" If you don't think it matters, then why won't you just let me be the seme then?  Like I want."  Mitsui demanded, finally succeeding in ducking out from under Rukawa's arm.

" Because I don't want to." The younger boy replied simply, as though this was all the reason that he would ever need.

" Then I'm not doing this."

Rukawa's eyebrow shot up.  " What?"

" I'm not doing this until I get to be the seme." Mitsui declared, crossing his arms over his chest.  " I've never been a uke in my life, and I'm not about to start now.  Especially not with you."

The fox eyed boy scowled at this.  But the guy seemed to be serious about not going through with it if he didn't get what he wanted.  And he really needed Mitsui.  " Fine.  Just shut up about it already, will you?"  He growled, allowing a self satisfied Mitsui to drape a heavy arm around his shoulder as he grumbled all the while.


Kogure Kiminobu whistled tunelessly under his breath as he waited for his boyfriend to come back from his search for a particular brand of cereal that he liked.  It had been a good day for the two of them.  Hanamichi had been incredibly sweet the whole day, giving him breakfast in bed, taking him out for lunch even though Kogure knew that he had a busy schedule, even picking him up after work and taking him out to buy some new clothes, since he had seen how upset he had gotten when he had been unable to find his favorite blue shirt...  Now they were out doing their weekly grocery shopping, as they had done at the same time and same place ever since the two of them had moved in together.  That had been around six months ago and Kogure couldn't remember ever being happier than he was now.  Everything in life was going well.

His family had more or less come to accept his red haired lover, as they had never been able to Mitsui, having been bowled over by Hanamichi's charm.  He was doing very well in his job as an accountant for for a successful business and had basically been told outright by his boss that he could expect a promotion soon.  Plus, he had it on good authority, that being Sendo Akira, that Hanamichi had been out shopping around for some wedding bands lately.  Yup.  Life was definitely going well for him.  He couldn't ever remember feeling so contented.

Sighing happily, he leaned his slim frame against the shopping trolley, grinning stupidly at nothing in particular as he idly ran his hand through his brown hair, going over this wonderful, wonderful thing that was his life, when his attention was attracted by a loud conversation coming from behind him.

" Will you stop scowling at me, dammit?"

" I'm not, do'aho."

" Then why the hell is your face like that?"

" It's always like this, do'aho."

" Bastard!  Don't call me a do'aho!"

A strange sense of de ja vu assailed Kogure as he recalled another couple from a long time ago, his College days, to be exact, who used to talk to each other like that.  He grinned.  This would be a funny thing to tell Hana-kun about later on.  He hated it when Kogure teased him about his past relationship with the ' Kitsune '.  Still smiling, he turned around, wanting to see what the couple looked like...

Both young men were dark haired, both of above average height both extremely handsome and both disturbingly familiar to Kogure...

" Look, Mitsui.  Let's just get this over with, okay.  Let's just go look for them and then we'll go and-"

" Rukawa?"  Kogure interrupted hesitantly as he pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose.
" Rukawa Kaede?  Is that you?"


Rukawa froze when he heard his name being called out.  He turned his head slightly, his gaze falling on the guy that he and Mitsui had spent the last few minute looking around for.  For one, crazy moment, he was suffused with the sudden urge to grab the nearest canned foodstuff from the shelves and hurl it at the smiling boy's face, but he somehow managed to push this impulse back.  Instead, he nodded woodenly in acknowledgment.  Realizing that Mitsui hadn't even moved by his side yet, Rukawa turned to him to see what was up.  He scowled, seeing the love struck puppy dog look that had developed on his companion's face at the sight of his beloved.  The idiot was messing everything up.  Deciding that he had to take things into his own hands, Rukawa grabbed Mitsui's arm and set it comfortably around his shoulders.  He patted Mitsui's hand. " Sashi-kun.  Look.  It's Kogure-san."


Sashi-kun?  Was the first thought that ran through Kogure's mind.  Why the hell was Rukawa calling Mitsui Sashi-kun?  Then the fact that Mitsui also had his arm around Rukawa registered in his brain.  Are they...?  Could it be...?  He pushed away these thoughts, a genuine warm smile on his face.  After all, though he and Mitsui had parted ways some time ago, they had gone as friends and he had been genuinely sorry that they hadn't remained in touch afterwards.  " Mitsui-san!  Rukawa-san!  It's been a long time, my friends."

Rukawa discreetly dug his elbow into Mitsui's ribs just to get some sort of reaction from him.  " Er...Min- I mean, Kogure-san!"  The scarred faced boy smiled weakly at him, shifting uncomfortably from one foot to the other.  His love was so close...So close... All he had to do was to stretch out one hand and he would be able to touch him...Unconciously, he reached out to do just that but Rukawa grabbed his arm suddenly in a vise like grip.

" You are ruining everything."  Rukawa snarled as Kogure went on and on about how time had gone by so fast and how sad it was that they had fallen out of touch with each other.

Mitsui just sighed dreamily in reply, focusing only on his Min-kun's face.

" Hey Kimi-kun...I found those noodles that you wanted.  Anything else that you need 'cos if not, then we're just about ready to-"  Hanamichi appeared suddenly from behind them, his arms full of groceries.  His words trailed off when he noticed the people who were with his Kimi-kun.

He blinked.  He closed his eyes and shook his head, refusing to believe what his eyes told him that he was seeing.  He rubbed his eyes with his fist.  Then he opened his eyes again and still he found himself looking into familiar, cold blue eyes.  Fox eyes, he used to call them.  He gulped.  " Kitsune?"

" Sakuragi-san." Rukawa could barely control his voice.  He hadn't spoken to his Hana-kun for such a long time.  He wanted to just open his mouth right then and there and beg him to leave that Kogure to be with him but it wasn't the moment for that.  He and Mitsui had to stick to the plan after all.  " It's been a long time..."

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